Healer of hearts, Restorer of relationships, Architect of peace, Giver of hope.
All we do and say is anchored in the gospel story and the central character is Jesus. Contrary to how He is often talked about or portrayed, Jesus is actually the answer to all of life’s questions.
The fact is, the original couple, Adam and Eve, broke the perfect relationship with God they were created to have and sin entered the world forever. The only way that relationship could be restored was through someone dying who was sinless. Jesus.
Because, above all else, He is a Savior.

For God so loved the world.
In the Bible, John 3:16 says
“For God so loved and dearly prized the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him as Savior shall not perish, but have eternal life.” His dying for us, His sacrifice of His life for ours, now means we can have a relationship with Jesus as a father and a friend
One Decision.
When you’re ready, here’s a prayer to get started:
God, today I make one decision… the most important decision I’ll ever make.
I choose to believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Son. And by doing so,
I believe my sins are now forgiven. I turn from my sins and my mistakes,
and I thank you God for your forgiveness so I can walk freely with you.
I believe in Jesus, which means I’m now a Christian.
Help me to live Your way. In Jesus Name Amen.